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Temperature Converter

There are basically three widely used units that are primarily used to measure temperature under various conditions. There are Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.

Each unit has its specific usage under which it is used to measure temperature. But, oftentimes you need to convert these units into one another.

If you need to use Fahrenheit and Kelvin in expressing temperatures then there is dire need to know how to convert these scales into Celsius scale in order to have the exact conversion possible. There are different conversion formulas which are used for inter-conversion of these units whenever necessary. You Can see the details from the following links.

Celsius Conversions

Fahrenheit Conversions

Kelvin Conversions

Rankine Conversions

Reaumur Conversions

There is an interesting fact about these units is degree symbol which is only applied to Fahrenheit and Celsius units. We do not use degree symbol while reporting temperature through Kelvin.


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